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Barbecued Sweet and Smokey Butterflied Leg of Lamb

Looking for delicious recipes for natural lamb? Check out our tasty recipe for Barbecued Sweet & Smokey Butterflied Leg of Lamb.

Prep Time

    •    Cook time: 1 hour
    •    Yield: Serves 6


    •    1 cup maple syrup
    •    ¼ cup tomato purée
    •    2 tbbsps vegetable oil
    •    1 cup barbecue sauce
    •    2 tsps smoked paprika
    •    2 ounces barbecue seasoning
    •    3- to 3½-pound Australian lamb leg, butterflied


  1. Preheat barbecue or oven to 320°F.
  2. Place the lamb in a shallow baking dish and brush with oil, then rub barbecue seasoning into both sides of the lamb.
  3. In a small saucepan, combine the barbecues sauce, maple syrup, smoked paprika, tomato purée and oil. Heat sauce over low heat, simmering for 5 minutes.
  4. Brush sauce over the lamb and barbecue or roast over a low heat, basting frequently and taking care not to burn marinade. If cooking over coals, wait until coals are white before cooking. If roasting in an oven, allow 30 minutes per pound. Lamb may need to be turned to brown both sides.
  5. Allow lamb to rest 10 minutes prior to serving and slicing at the table.

This great family recipe is thanks to True-Aussie-Beef-And-Lamb Recipes at


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